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Are you the type of person who likes to form your own opinion or do you believe the majority of what is said by the media? If you’re the former type, I’d like to introduce myself: My name is Mario, I’m an easy-going person… I’m open-minded, dependable, non-judgmental, a good listener, compassionate, understanding, and warmhearted. I enjoy reading, music, movies, drawing, nature, animals, rodeos, and making new friends. Before coming to prison, I was your typical cowboy. As you can see from my posted pictures, I was incarcerated at a very young age. Despite life’s ups and downs, I try to keep a positive attitude and remain optimistic. We only live once so I think it is important to maximize the opportunities, and experiences that life has to offer;
One of the most important is that of genuine friendship. Inner warmth is more important than your looks or age. I promise to shower you with attention, affection, appreciation, and to always deliver a prompt reply to all your letters. I do hope I’m able to make some good friends and learn all about their different lifestyles and perspectives; including yours, which is why I decided to post this profile. I’m also open to sharing with you all about my experiences and giving you a true insider’s perspective on life in prison, (only if you’re interested). I hope you’ll overlook my current situation and get to know me for who I am. If you’d like to know me better then don’t hesitate to use one of the options below to send me a note. Whatever you do, please don’t allow silence to be your response. May you be blessed in all that you do. Your friend for future happiness.
Sincerely, Mario
Wall Photos 0 0 880 6
6 photos
Cover Photos 0 0 830 1
1 photo
Profile Photos 0 0 928 1
1 photo
City: Galesburg
Zipcode: 61401
State: Illinois
Country: United States
Post a prisoner to meet new friends. Or become an ally to a prisoner and unlock doors to build positive new relationships. Prisoners who have positive influential friends in their lives have a higher success rate in rehabilitation and a lower rate of going back to prison after they are released.
If you need to post a prisoner to meet new friends or want to be a friend to a prisoner, there's no better place to be.