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Hey Lady… How you doin’?... I hope all is well… People call me Nate for short… I’m 6’3”… Around 200 pds… Um just average nothin’ special, with a fantastic personality I like to think!
I’m from Saginaw, Michigan. About 1½ hr. north of Detroit… Lived there all my life till around 2010. I then went out to Colorado Springs to visit a friend – I previously knew from MI. I was trying to do things differently from what I’d grown accustomed to living there.
So I stayed with them for a little while. Got a few jobs. Cooking, detailin’ cars. I then got an apartment and eventually my 3rd job – driving cab with G.P.S… Now that was definitely somethin’ different, I wasn’t use to doing, especially for a livin’ – “working (smile)!”
You see I use to be a drug dealer back in MI. During the early 90’s on up through the mid 2000’s were my “so called” glory days – until I started partying myself, ha!
Anyways I was working. Doin’ things different out here in Colorado. And as one can probably guess – my past came back to haunt me. I ended up doing some of the same things that I’d tried to get away from back in MI. But this time I didn’t really know anyone… So I robbed a couple places… Took a 20 yr. “plea bargain” under the impression I was only to serve 35 to 40% of the time, which is round about now (Dec 2018).
Well about 3 yrs. ago I found out that the State of Colorado wants 75%. So as of now, I’m in the “Court of Appeals” tryin’ to withdraw this ‘plea’ or get time served.
So now that’s my story & I know it’s quite a bit, but whose isn’t meeting like this?
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3 photos
City: Sterling
Zipcode: 80751
State: Colorado
Country: United States
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