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Sincere salutations, a strong hug, good blessings and appreciation for reading this. I find myself prohibit from freedom but not prohibit from life and the beauty that God gives each dawn. I’m a human being with qualities and defects in which I try to learn and mature. I consider myself friendly with a good sense of humor, willing and ready to share great friendship, sorrows, joys and 1 or 2 mischiefs.
I want to mention that I like Mexican, Cumbias, Nortefias and romantic music but I super like music in English from the 80’s & 90’s, Disco music, Oldies but Goodies, Rock & Roll and Classic Rock. A little bit of everything depending on the mood because sometimes homesick. Absence of kids and family important dates will creep in, but the Lord is big and miraculous. I know someday not far away He’ll permit me to be with them. I want to mention to you that my pass times are exercising 5 days a week, reading, listening to music and drawing which is part of my work to help with necessaries.
If you like artwork and would like a good friend, write me and we’ll start planting the seed in the heart of friendship. I assure you we’ll have a super great time. Thank you for your time and by preference I would like you to write to me in Spanish or mix in Spanish/English and I will respond. And with this said I dismiss myself with this message - “I can’t change the past but I can be a better person for the future!” May God bless you and thank you for reading my message. I hope good luck will accompany me and you’ll give me opportunity to know you.
PS I like sports, boxing, baseball & soccer!
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City: Amarillo
State: Texas
Country: United States
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