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- Investing in Friends –
I see you, you found me!
Introducing “TRIGGER”
Greetings from Arnaldo Saez Jr., my mom calls me “Junito”, love to hear from a friend, strangers or loved ones, forward your daily words of hope, hugs and prayers.
Everyone has a heartbreaking past that keeps them up at night and my saddest pain is fathering two lovely children while being absent from their lives.
It is heartbreakingly painful to miss out on the hugs of my two sisters, as they raise my two nieces and beloved nephew.
Losing the support of all my friendships and cousins, after sentencing and throughout my struggle for redemption, worst among all not being able to embrace mom after losing dad to cancer.
The lonely road is difficult and pondering all those thoughts of love lost and lonesome years works wonders on ones humble heart. The desire for love is strong, searching for a friend to support your dreams, goals, plans and hopes can be demoralizing.
The fostering of an everlasting love is difficult, strolling along while holding hands and thinking of each other is a reciprocal desire, which takes time and effort, while pledging loyalty, gratitude, and benefit.
The reclusive hours of looking at the moon through the cell-window, wondering about the notes and photos of loved ones.
My heart races with anticipation of the words, which lie within the letters, and the direct bridge of an impersonal world, which tests our devotion and love for one another.
The character of my life has changed drastically, tempered by remorse, time, distance and maturity.
I cannot change the past; therefore, I must live for the future.
I find myself no longer surrounded by familiar faces, in truth I am in another world.
The burden of not working, after accumulating 60 college credits in criminal justice and not changing the world has taken a toll on my self worth.
I am an optimistic person by nature and struggling with dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia makes it difficult for me to express all the feelings to those interested in me.
The boredom or idleness drives me to find partners, able to donate their social media skill set to further my social and economic objectives.
A matter of primary interest to me is finding anyone familiar with Avon products, Mary Kay cosmetics, Tupperware and Amway, for the social aspect of networking.
Comparing notes with an entrepreneurial-minded person, who is flexible and able to think outside the box, would be empowering.
Lovely people, write me whenever you can or email me!
Sincerely, Trigger
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City: Suffield
Zipcode: 06078
State: Connecticut
Country: United States
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