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Update! Be patient!
If you have written to Ginger please be aware that a (dis)organisation known as Securus-(an income) has taken over 100% control of all means of communications with Ginger and her fellow inmates.
This company now vets and allows - or not - any e-messages and also vets, scans and uploads paper postal items to inmates tablets.
I have been corresponding with Ginger for 8 years mostly on a weekly basis but I have not received a letter for over a month and, though I cannot be certain, believe she has not had anything from me for a similar time.
Ginger is a very intelligent young woman who has been incarcerated for quite a while. She has a razor sharp sense of humour and is as smart as a whip. Whilst I have never met her, I love her dearly.
I look after this page for her and I am Ginger's adopted/adapted Dad and I live on the other side of the planet in Australia....
All snail-mail is scanned in Dallas and then uploaded to her tablet. Photographs are permitted. Please check the TDCJ website.
She loves to read, and books - sent from third party providers - for example, are allowed and should be posted directly to her accommodation unit:
Ginger Fisher #01748347
2305 Ransom Road
Gatesville TX 76528
Be aware however, that books and not much else is permitted. Again, check the TDCJ website for what may and may not be posted to her
Here is the blurb she wanted to be on her page:
"Life is short but time keeps going on. I should know - I've done quite a bit of it. And no matter the duration, this just isn't my milieu, most days I am alone in the crowd, unwilling and unable to immerse myself in the inanities that comprise incarceration. I need someone to pique my interest and take my mind beyond these walls; someone who I can talk to about anything, from Hadrons to hedgehogs. Someone to re-ignite that elan vitale I have been lacking for so long.....
Are you that someone?"
Cover Photos 0 0 812 2
2 photos
Profile Photos 0 0 853 8
8 photos
City: Gatesville
Zipcode: 76528
State: Texas
Country: United States
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