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Good Morning/Evening,
…To all who are traveling in distance to seek a peek at the world that have intrigue my heart; despite to those with contaminated negative thoughts, I continue to have positive beliefs of energy; displaying new art of drawings located on Facebook; dissecting my case, since I do have a harsh sentence, staying active in working out/sports; reading old to up to date knowledge book/real life stories, etc…
Still for me to initial this move, majority viewing this is skeptical about interacting. Maybe this is what life is all about, at that, in distance. So what’s that you don’t have that you will not trust me? …You believe I do not understand responsibilities, priorities or principles? ...You believe you have encounter someone as me? …You believe I have nothing to lose so I’ll jeopardize friendship if one was available? Or dislike if you have multiple companions?
Incarceration just made me able to put all of this on paper and possible for you to evaluate me as if I was being investigated…LOL …What’s left to know? Plenty! For one, what kind of plans/ideas do you have that will benefit me? It takes strength, not insecurity, possessive or controlling for this to ignite. It is vice versa! A lot of concerns when some things are minor in your world but it may still mean a lot as math, science and language are depths within your life…
As this tune decline, please continue to seek and peek and believe I am the genie with the carpet under your feet…with the thought of free me.
Mr. John D.
Artwork 0 0 793 9
9 photos
Profile Photos 0 0 768 16
16 photos
City: Huntsville
Zipcode: 77320
State: Texas
Country: United States
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