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Greetings and thanks for clicking on my ad.
My name is Rodney Warndahl. I'm very happy to get acquainted. You're welcome to call me Rod. After over thirty years locked up , it'd be wonderful to find a pen pal. How I await your response.
I make the best of prison, refusing to let it drag me down. My attitude is always positive. My sense of humor remains excellent. I keep busy as possible playing guitar, reading, working at my job or on hobbies, watching television, etc. Since being incarcerated in 1987, I've even earned college degrees.
I've made the best of my situation.
Still, times often get lonely here. My people on the outside are few now. Plus, I don't socialize with many others in this place. I often feel empty. Nothing could relieve my emptiness better than mail from somebody special, like you.
That is why I'm so hopeful we'll be able to start exchanging our letters soon. Consider me an open book. I'll tell all you wish to know. You're invited to tell me about yourself in return, too -- whatever you're comfortable sharing. There is lots of great stuff to discuss. We'll enjoy each conversation together.
For true, lasting friendship with a divorced, financially secure, 6'3" tall grandpa and Navy Veteran, please write.
We'll both smile.
Thanks again from Rod....
Cover Photos 0 0 860 1
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Profile Photos 0 0 828 30
30 photos
City: Faribault
Zipcode: 55021
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
Post a prisoner to meet new friends. Or become an ally to a prisoner and unlock doors to build positive new relationships. Prisoners who have positive influential friends in their lives have a higher success rate in rehabilitation and a lower rate of going back to prison after they are released.
If you need to post a prisoner to meet new friends or want to be a friend to a prisoner, there's no better place to be.