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Looking for some fun? Message me? I’m spontaneous, love nothing more than to laugh, making friends...
I’m confident with out being a jerk. I’m not the type to judge or complain knowing, “No one’s perfect...” If you want to touch on a sweet spot? (Focus!)
I love photos... so don’t be shy....
P.S. Lonelyness need not be despair....
Profile Photos 0 0 863 5
5 photos
City: Florence
Zipcode: 81226
State: Colorado
Country: United States
Post a prisoner to meet new friends. Or become an ally to a prisoner and unlock doors to build positive new relationships. Prisoners who have positive influential friends in their lives have a higher success rate in rehabilitation and a lower rate of going back to prison after they are released.
If you need to post a prisoner to meet new friends or want to be a friend to a prisoner, there's no better place to be.