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First of all thanks for taking a few minutes to read this. Of course I’m looking to meet new pen pals but also this is a good place for family and friends to message me.
Everybody can leave me messages on this site and each week I’ll receive and respond to them.
As you can see on here I’m doing life in this place and as you might imagine it gets boring. That brings me to finding a pen pal or two.
Some of my hobbies include mountain biking, skydiving and figure skating. No, I’m bull s***in’, I’m really into watching sports and studying U.S. history and politics.
Being in prison limits the ways to enjoy life but does not take the joy from life. I’m a pretty lighthearted guy. Even if bad days do exist, I don’t have them. Maybe I’m just not allergenic but I have ways to make lemonade out of lemons.
Most days in here consist of listening to hours of Country music. Weekends I spend every waking hour watching sports. The only thing I’m lacking is a pen pal to share some of this over-flowing excitement with. So if your life lacks the substance that only solitary confinement gives, write me. I got all you can take plus some.
As you can tell I’ve got a sense of humor and for the most part I find the good around me. Everybody who knows me already can be rest assured that I’ve been doing good. Maybe knowing this will give others the peace that I spent years fighting to find.
Well thanks for getting to know me a little and for reconnecting. Feel free to write me, especially if you know anybody in the tunnel digging business! J/K
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City: Vacaville
Zipcode: 95687
State: California
Country: United States
Post a prisoner to meet new friends. Or become an ally to a prisoner and unlock doors to build positive new relationships. Prisoners who have positive influential friends in their lives have a higher success rate in rehabilitation and a lower rate of going back to prison after they are released.
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